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Emergency Zone 2 Person Hygiene Kit

Emergency Zone 2 Person Hygiene Kit

Emergency Zone 2 Person Hygiene Kit
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Emergency Zone 2 Person Hygiene Kit

Cleanliness and good hygiene can have a positive effect on the morale of an individual when surviving an emergency.  And since disaster survival is as much a mental challenge as it is physical, hygiene items could make a world of difference on your will to survive.

This kit includes:
2 x Toothbrush
1 x Toothpaste
1 x Comb
1 x Razor
1 x Shaving Cream
1 x Shampoo
1 x Soap Bar
2 x Feminine Pad
1 x 2oz Hand Sanitizer
1 x Washcloth
1 x Toilet Paper
1 x Sewing Kit - small
1 x Ziplock Bag 


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